8 Apr 2024

An overview of the Netball landscape – who’s who in the sport!

Find out about England Netball, County Netball Associations and Yorkshire Netball

England Netball

England Netball is the National Governing Body for the sport of Netball and their role is to strategically lead the sport, with particular responsibility for delivering:

  • participation programmes to increase grassroots involvement in the sport, such as Back to Netball and Walking Netball
  • a regulated learning offer to support the qualification of coaches and umpires
  • an elite playing programme to support the development of future and current England players.

England Netball receives it’s income from Sport England funding, England Netball member affiliation fees and commercial and sponsorship partners.

England Netball finances the costs of:

  • regional and national staff
  • product and programme delivery
  • international and domestic major events.

Contact your local England Netball staff in Yorkshire if you are in need of support for club development, coaching or officiating courses and community programmes


County Netball Associations

In Yorkshire, there are four County Netball Associations who are each a member of England Netball. They are made up of a group of elected volunteers who form a Management Board to represent each county:

-       North Yorkshire

-       South Yorkshire

-       West Yorkshire

-       Humberside

Each County Netball Association is in receipt of member affiliation fees for all those that affiliate to England Netball, when participating in Netball activity based in their respective county. This funding is administered to support the development, delivery and growth of Netball at all levels across different environments and roles within the county. It is done in consultation with members and linked to a strategic county plan that the County Management Board and its working groups are responsible for.


Regional Netball Association

Yorkshire Netball is the Regional Netball Association for Yorkshire and is a member organisation of England Netball. It is managed by a Regional Management Board which consists of a group of elected and appointed voluntary members. Yorkshire Netball receives member affiliation fees for all those that affiliate to England Netball, when participating in Netball activity based in the Yorkshire region.

The funding from member affiliation fees is used to assist the delivery of programmes and events, support all levels of Netball across Yorkshire and through the appointment of specialists on the Regional Management Board, is directed to areas of particularly priority such as Safeguarding, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Competitions.

To support the management and development of Netball initiatives across the region, the Regional Management Board is also responsible for working with:

  • the 4 County Netball Associations in Yorkshire
  • the England Netball delivery team based in Yorkshire
  • Leeds Rhinos Netball
  • other identified stakeholders

The Yorkshire Netball Regional Management Board includes elected members to the following roles:

  • Regional Chair
  • Vice Chair and Governance & Finance Lead
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Competitions & Officiating Lead
  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead
  • Marketing & Communications Lead
  • Partnerships & Facilities Lead
  • Research & Insight Lead
  • Safeguarding Lead
  • Volunteering Lead


Reporting to the Regional Management Board, are the following Working Groups. Each group is chaired by the corresponding lead on the Board:

  • Competitions & Officiating
  • Governance & Finance
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Volunteering