Sarah Howard
Over the past 25 years Sarah has operated in multiple roles in Netball. As a player, Sarah has represented her county (North Yorkshire), city (York), and university (Loughborough University and York St John University) and played in the national premier as well as regional (Yorkshire and East Midlands), county (North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire), and local leagues (Harrogate and York and District).
Sarah is an active level 2 coach, contributing mainly in educational settings and a C award umpire currently contributing to the North Yorkshire and York and District Netball leagues.
Professionally, Sarah holds a PhD and she is a Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology at York St John University with research, teaching, governance and ED&I responsibilities.
As Insight Lead for Yorkshire Netball, she is delighted to have the opportunity to work with Netball participants in Yorkshire and marry the skills from her professional life with her experiences in and passion for Netball so to help ensure positive engagement experiences for all.